RaiTravista Travels strives to provide accurate, up-to-date information on travel destinations, packages, and services. However, all information is subject to change without notice, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any content on this website.
RaiTravista Travels acts solely as an intermediary between travellers and service providers, such as airlines, hotels, and other travel-related services. We are not liable for any changes in schedules, cancellations, or disruptions by these third-party providers. Any issues or disputes that arise must be resolved with the respective service provider.
Travel involves inherent risks, including but not limited to health, safety, and security hazards. We strongly recommend that travellers research their destination, adhere to local guidelines, and obtain appropriate travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances, cancellations, and medical emergencies.
By using our services, you agree that RaiTravista Travels is not responsible for any loss, injury, damage, or expense arising out of your travel arrangements. Travellers are encouraged to read all terms and conditions carefully before.